Use what coaches call the "sandwich technique." Insert a little instruction in between two phrases which
praise and encourage them. He was recently featured in a documentary film on long distance
running. This is not a natural act for most kids. Golf Digest named Dr.
Begin with a tennis ball and continue to use the underhand toss until your child
gets comfortable catching the ball in the glove. Begin with a short distance of
perhaps four feet and gradually extend the distance. I encouraged my kids to say
"hello ball," as the would catch the ball to add some additional humor and playfulness
to the learning process.4. Now you are a star.")5. Introduce the idea of greeting
the ball with soft hands. If your child throws right handed, begin by
tossing the ball to his or her left side. He or she will tell you
if they are interested in baseball. These balls are not as hard as baseballs.8. is
a psychotherapist and the founder of He has written several books and developed several
programs to help people perform to their fullest potential at sports, at work and at
school. If your child is under two or three, you can start by just rolling
a ball back and forth to your son or daughter.3. Introducing your kids to a
harder and harder ball in stages will help them to develop their confidence as they
develop their skills. He can be reached at Teach them the proper grip. Dr.
Demonstrate how to catch the ball for your son or child and give them lots
of praise as they learn how to receive the ball. The ball thrown to the
nike tn right side of a right handed child is a tough catch, since they need to
turn the glove as it crosses their body. When my son began playing baseball, he
didn't like it very much. Now he can't play enough baseball.Jay P. Make sure you
get a glove which is the right size and shape for your child. My
daughter named it the bunny rabbit grip.Have the child point his elbow toward their target
and encourage him to place the ball behind their ear and step and throw. Now
just watch the ball into your hands a little more carefully. In order to
improve your kids throwing skills. Also, tell the kids that once they develop their baseball
skills, they will overcome much of their discomfort.2. Dr. The baseball season for children in
towns throughout the country is starting to get into full swing now that Spring has
arrived. However, many kids struggle at baseball because they are terrified of being hit by
the ball when they are in the field or when they are batting.I get a
lot of calls at this time of the year from parents who want their kids
to become less scared, more comfortable and more confident when they step on the baseball
field.Here are a few tips to help your son or daughter if they are demonstrating
a significant fear of being hit by the ball:1. This is generally the easiest way
to begin. Then at age four, we shifted to a right handed mitt.10. Gloves come
in a variety of sizes and there are some that are very soft and easy
to squeeze and to manage.7. Stand along side your child as show the four or
Nike Requin five various positions.9. If you can, begin playing catch with your child at an early
age. ("Great job. As your child grows older, you can start to use a
sponge ball and begin tossing the ball softly toward your child from a close
distance. Granat one of America's Top Ten Mental Gurus. You need to demonstrate the
various ways of turning the glove to accommodate the various spots your child will need
to catch the ball in. It can be a wonderful time of the year
for the kids and for the parents. When you teach your kid to field
ground balls, tell them to open their glove, keep their head down watching the ball
and field the ball in the center of their bodies. (Obviously, you need to reverse
these guidelines if your child is left handed.) Interestingly, my son is ambidextrous, so it
took a little time to sort out which hand we wanted to use to throw
the ball. Granat, Ph.D. Begin with soft grounders and gradually increase the speed and vary
the kinds of bounces your child experiences.11. It is normal to have some fear of
a moving object moving toward your body. Some children are afraid of being hit
when they have a catch. The step and throw gives the idea of weight transfer
which is important in many sports.Keep the encouragement and the compliments coming. He is also
the author of How To Get Into The Zone With Sport Psychology And Self-Hypnosis, How
To Lower Your Golf Score With Sport Psychology And Self-Hypnosis, 101 Ways To Break Out
Of A Hitting Slump and Bed Time Stories For Young Athletes. Periodically, toss a ball
which will gently hit your child on their arm or leg. Use an underhand toss
and arch the ball so it gently moves towards your kid. Granat, a former university
professor, has appeared in The New York Times, Good Morning America, AP, ESPN, Golf Digest,
The BBC and The CBC. His books include Zone Tennis and Get Into The Zone
In Just One Minute. You can use a tee ball as intermediate step in
the learning process. Explain this to your child, but also tell them that they can
learn how to protect themselves and how to manage the situation. Many coaches teach
a two finger grip where the second and third fingers are on the laces and
the thumb is at the bottom of the ball. The first glove I bought
him was for a lefty. Begin with short teaching sessions of perhaps ten minutes and
increase them, if your child is enjoying the throwing and catching. Don't introduce a baseball
until your child appears confident and ready. Once they can catch a dozen balls
in a row on this side, you can start tossing to the center of their
bodies. As your child improves and gains some confidence in his or her catching
ability, you can begin to introduce a tennis ball. Then you can move to a
soft ball. This will help your son or daughter to feel less scared of the
flying object.6. Then, you can start tossing a few soft pop ups where they can
be taught to catch the ball above their heads. At age four to six
you, you can introduce a glove to the process. Granat writes a weekly column for
three newspapers..
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